
Owner Of The XFL Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Unveils New Logo For The League

I am just happy the XFL is coming back because it was so damn fun. For those who didn't experience a game during its run, you missed out. I been to NFL Games and XFL Games and I can tell you that XFL games were all about having fun. I am not saying NFL games are not fun but XFL games were not that serious and so you saw a lot of people just there happy to watch some football, have some food and drinks. It really was like a WWE style crowd, with lots of family just there to enjoy the show. Of course the competition is there but it was the vibe it put out knowing that there was no one there to yell at you for being a fan of your team. I like the new logo, I think it totally fits the new era, I just hope this league doesn't get so serious that it takes the fun out what it was.

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