Nipsey Hussle Shooting Survivor, Kerry Lathan, Speaks Out After Arrest

One of the men who was with Nipsey Hussle when he was murdered is opening up about Nipsey’s final moments and why he’s back in jail.

Kerry Lathan was the man who Nipsey was helping before he was shot and killed, Lathan was with his nephew who personally knew Nipsey when they pulled into the Marathon store to get Lathan a new shirt since he had just been released from jail.

Lathan had wanted a white shirt but after talking to Nipsey in the parking lot he learned that the shirt he wanted wouldn’t be available for another week.

Lathan said that’s when things went “all bad.” Lathan told Vlad TV, "The gunman turned around the car and shot me, shot Nipsey, and then shot my nephew." Because Lathan was present he has since been arrested for associating with a “known gang member” which is a violation of his parole, he’s facing 10-years.

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