Does Cardi B Have A Nicki Minaj Diss Track!?

So as we know Cardi B has been working on new music and apparently sources are saying that Cardi B has a diss track to Nicki all ready to go! HOWEVER some of her team does NOT want her to release it!

Apparently the ones that think she shouldn't release it because Cardi has already eclipsed her and that the lyrics would only give Nicki some shine! 

But the other half want her to drop it and I'm sure Cardi wants to release it because she always keeps it real and she won't change for anyone. I'm also sure you can't tell Cardi what to do. 

So what does the track sound like?! Apparently it's "serious." I only want to hear it because I want to know what she said but I also think they should just move on.

In the meantime while we wait for the track (which could be forever) check out Cardi's performance at the BET Hip Hop Awards!

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