James Harden Missed Practice But Was Spotted At A Strip Club Throwing Money

Hey Look, it's James Harden at a Strip Club! Nothing new, this man lives at the strip clubs and actually plays better when there is a great one in the city he is playing in. We saw what happened with Westbrook leaving Houston and heard something about James being radio silent with the Rockets so not sure what is happening in Houston. The season starts on Dec. 22nd and the Rockets held practice but James was nowhere to be found and spotted at a nightclub and strip club that same night. Not sure what he is going through but I guess he is the boss in Houston until he's not, there is only so much management can take from him. I wonder if he is doing this on purpose to get a ticket out of Houston, but then he prefered John Wall over Westbrook. Now that he was seen out and about, he has to go through Covid-19 protocols and quarantine before he goes back. Was the strippers booty worth it? Probably.

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