Doing This One Thing Could Get You Banned From Amazon! Find Out Here.


With the pandemic happening one thing a lot of people have been doing is ordering online a lot more! Especially when it comes to Amazon. It's just so easy!

Well I had no idea that doing this one thing could get you banned from Amazon if you do it too much! Shopping online is not easy, sometimes you end up with the wrong item or it's not what you thought it was going to be. That's when you decide to return the item.

Turns out if you return TOO many items, it could get you banned from Amazon. And apparently you could get banned from the site and not even know it.

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal

"Shira Golan spent thousands of dollar son Amazon each year, buying an assortment of products from clothes and shoes to groceries and toiletries. And while she had asked for refunds on some clothing and shoe orders for either damaged or wrong items, she said she "didn't think it was so significant," especially considering how much she has bought from the company. However, in May 2018 her account was shut down without explanation. And when she received a response on May 10, she was told her account was terminated permanently because she "reported an unusual number of problems" with her orders. "I didn't get any warning. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't buy clothes and shoes on Amazon,'"

In the companies conditions it does state

"Amazon "reserves the right to refuse service [and] terminate accounts" at its own 'sole discretion.'"

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