Mitra's Cafe in Murrieta Offers Free Meals For Those In Need

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A restaurant owner in Murrieta, California is helping those in need.

Max Khazaeian knows 2020 has been a tough for many and he wants to make sure his restaurant, Mitra's Cafe puts a smile on people's faces. There's millions of people who "lost their job and they don't have any money, so whoever comes in and say they don't have money we just feed them," Khazaeian told ABC 7.

He added "a mom came with her three kids here, and she said she didn't have money, I gave them four plates, they were really happy, yeah."

Khazaeian says he's been feeding those in need for nearly a year and more than dozen people take up the gesture daily. So he put a sign outside the cafe letting people know "if you're hungry and don't have money, don't worry. Here, they'll feed you."

What a great way to spread love, generosity, and kindness!

Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images

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