How Will Beyoncé be involved with the Black Panther Sequel??

Beyonce Performs at The Staples Center

According to reports Beyoncé is getting ready to sign a HUGE deal with Disney to work on three upcoming projects! Word is the deal is worth $100 million dollars!

Apparently they want her to voice a couple documentaries that will air on Disney + and work on the Black Panther 2 Soundtrack which is suppose to be released next year!

There aren't many details but I can imagine B will do what she did for the Live action version of The Lion King! She created a whole album for the movie or maybe she'll do what Kendrick Lamar did when he curated the Black Panther album, he added new songs of his but also recruited other artist to be involved.

I would love to get a Beyoncé cameo in the new Black Panther as well, but they didn't say anything about being in the film...YET!!

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