University Professor Fired After Student Notices Porn On His Computer!

Uh Oh!!!

A Professor at the University of Miami was allegedly FIRED after one of his students made a TikTok video pointing out that they noticed a certain bookmark on the teachers computer - "Busty College Girl" - OOPS!

Basically the professor was sharing his computer screen over Zoom and one of the students noticed the bookmark on his browser!

Another student noticed the bookmark and called it out over the live mic and the rest of the class took noticed and from there it just was shared ALL over the internet!

The video garnered more than 800,000 views in only a few hours, according to the college newspaper, The Miami Hurricane

The Professor addressed the issue the next day in class “I don’t know how it happened,” he said, according to Lieberman. “I didn’t see it, I’m pretty sure everybody else did…My apologies to the class.”

Since then The professor’s name has since been removed from the university webpage and other professors have been filling in for his classes, according to The Miami Hurricane.

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