Are Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez Trying to Buy MLB Team The Mets?

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According to reports apparently Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are looking to buy the New York Mets! Apparently the couple have plans to become part owners, they have now retained JPMorgan Chase to raise capital for a bid.

So in December the Wilpon Family that currently owns The Mets, announced that they were negotiating an 80% sale of the Major League Baseball team to hedge fund Billionaire Steve Cohen but that deal fell through! At that time the team was valued at $2.6 BILLION dollars!

So JLo and Arod have a combined net worth at $700 million, so yeah, they'll need a bit of help!

Some might think it's weird for ARod to want to buy the Mets considering he was a Yankee, but apparently he was a huge Mets fan growing up!

"Growing up in Miami, I was a huge Mets fan," - "Keith Hernandez was my favorite player. And I thought I would make great concessions to go play for the Mets. And I thought it was just a great story for baseball, it would’ve been a great story for me to play for the team I grew up watching. And I thought Mets-Yankees would have been a great story."

The only question I have is, if he becomes a part owner does that mean Alex has to give up his gig as a baseball broadcaster?

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