Donald Trump Slammed "Parasite" movie - & The filmmakers Fire Back!

Donald Trump Holds A Campaign Rally In Colorado Springs

We all know Donald Trump talks a lot of ISH - and the other day instead of focusing on the Country and things that need his attention...he decided to go in on The Oscars.

"By the way, how bad were the Academy Awards this year? 'And the winner is a movie from South Korea,'" Trump said. "What the hell was that all about? We've got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of that, they give them the best movie of the year? Was it good? I don't know. I'm looking for like, let's get 'Gone with the Wind.' Can we get 'Gone with the Wind' back, please? 'Sunset Boulevard'? So many good movies."

It figures he would pick a movie that was set way back in the day during the Civil War!

The studio behind The Best Picture Winner Parasite responded to Trump's comments, see their response below.

He also took a jab at my man Brad Pitt for his speech after he won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

"And then you have Brad Pitt, I was never a big fan of his. He got up, said a little wise guy thing. He's a little wise guy,"

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