Marvel Reveals Their Next Phase of the MCU! What Film Is Next?

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War Screening At Fox Theatre

Ok it's been some time since Avengers: Endgame came out and now that we've had some time to grieve we're ready for the next phase of MCU! So what does the roll out look like for Marvel? Well first we kind of knew where the universe was going next. In a couple weeks we'll get Spider-Man: far from Home and then after that...

Black Widow - May 2020

Eternals: Nov 2020

Black Panther 2: Feb 2021

Doctor Strange II: May 2021

Shang-Chi: Nov 2021

Captain Marvel 2: Feb 2022

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: 2022

Ant-Man 3: ????

So apparently Black Widow is already in production and there are rumors that it will be a prequel.

BUT that wasn't the only thing that leaked...apparently Marvel isn't done with the Avengers. According to the leak Marvel plans to expand the Avengers universe by working on a Dark Avengers, Young Avengers and New Avengers! And it looks like New Avengers will be the first one up!

LOVE IT!!!!!!

Now don't hold me to this, Marvel hasn't confirmed this just yet, but hopefully they will when San Diego Comic-Con goes down!

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