Daddy Yankee Robbed Of $2M!

Daddy Yankee is probably still on a high over his latest hit, and every other hit, but he was brought back down to reality over an incident at his hotel.

Have you ever wondered who's going in and out of your hotel room while you're not there? Well, this story will make you think twice.

At a hotel in Spain where Daddy Yankee was staying, a man posed as Daddy Yankee and tricked hotel staff into opening the rapper's rooms and safe. 

Between the jewelry items and cash in the safe and other items in the two hotel rooms, the robber made it off with 2.3 Million dollars worth of jewelry. 

Translation: "The press office @daddy_yankee confirms that the artist has been a victim of robbery while he was outside his hotel in Valencia, Spain. A law firm has already been hired and no further declarations will be given so as not to hinder the investigation in any way."

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