LeBron Regrets One Very Important Thing

LeBron James Regrets Naming His Son Bronny. 

Picking a name for your child is a tough decision, full of considerations, and fraught with life long consequences. And of course that name can set a person's life and future track. 

On the premiere episode of LeBron James' new barbershop-style talk show called "The Shop", the NBA superstar reveals that he regrets naming his son Bronny. 

When asked how he assures his kids that they don't have to be as great as their dad, James replied, "I still regret giving my 14-year-old my name because of that." 

The HBO show will debut August 28, and featuring James along with Maverick Carter, Snoop Dogg, Draymond Green, Candace Parker, Odell Beckham Jr., Alvin Kamara and Jon Stewart. 

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