IHOP Finally Reveals The Mystery of " IHOb" & We Were All Wrong!

Remember last week when IHOP said they were changing their name to "IHOb" and we went nuts?

If you didn't go nuts, you probably aren't as dramatic as me and my friends but this is serious. 

We ran through the possiblities of what the "b" would stand for in "IHOb" - one of our best guesses, in my opinion, was "International House of Breakfast" but.. nope! That's not right AT ALL! 

Basically they flipped the lowercase "p" in its logo and making it a "b." Now the 'b" stands for "Burgers."

BURGERS. (Shoutout to Bobs Burgers just because I'm obsessed!)

But this is going to be an interesting to see, they already changed their handle to "IHOb," talk about fast breakup!

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