Chris Brown Wants To Get Rihanna, Beyonce & Bruno Mars For A World Tour

Chris Brown dropped a massive project on Halloween last year with Heartbreak On A Full Moon. 

However, the singer hasn't announced any plans to hit the road to promote the project. While there's a good chance we'll see him take the stage at some point this year, Breezy shot out an idea into the universe of what could be one of the biggest tours ever.

The singer-songerwriter wrote "Just thinking.... A CRAZY WORLD TOUR would BEYONCE, RIHANNA, BRUNO MARS, CHRIS BROWN. And if y’all decide to do it without me... give me 10%." 

While the idea of the tour is now out in the open, I guess we'll have to wait to see if anyone else is actually down for this. Who knows, maybe we'll see it in the years to come.

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