What Kanye Did For One Fan Left Us Speechless

You miss the "old Kanye" well I don't. I love all the Kanye's we've gotten throughout the years because he's stayed true to himself and to his fans. 

Here's a story I came across on my Instagram feed. So being the HUGE Kanye fan that I am, I follow "teamkanyedaily" and that basically keeps me up-to-date with what's going on with him! 

It's beautiful to hear that Kanye would do that for a fan but our hearts and prayers go out to the girls family. A loss like that is such a horrible thing but if Kanye could make her last moments happy we're thankful for that as well. 

So often you read all the negative and mean stories about Kanye and Kim but you rarely hear the beautiful things they do, which is pretty cool to because they're really not doing it for anyone but their fans. 

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