KXNG CROOKED - "Truth" (Why U Mad) ft. Royce 5'9

Kxng Crooked just released his album, Good Vs. Evil 2 with an interesting cover showing an image of president Trump kneeling down in front of table that resembles the last supper with evil leaders from the past standing behind it. If you look closely you can see an image of Christ standing behind Stalin, Saddam Hussain, and Idi Amin. The rest of the evil leaders shown in the cover art are Osama Bin Laden, Nero, Kim Jong-il, Pol Pot, and Adolf Hitler along with a demonic figure in the middle of the picture….creepy.

Good Vs Evil 2: The Red Empire has 14 tracks total including his latest single “Truth” featuring Royce 5’9″ and is slated for 12-18-17

Check out the track below!

Also if you missed our interview with KXNG CROOKED back when the first Good Vs. Evil dropped. Catch up below!

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